The church, for the most part lies in a state of confusion and the reason - - - intrusion! Intrusion of false teaching, heresy, immorality and contemporary philosophies of self-proclaimed “little gods” who are nothing more than self-appointed gurus of the “name it and claim it” mentality who are cultic in nature!
Rather than drawing near to God, the church runs in reverse as it pursues the fantasies and promises of the world which cannot deliver. The church is for the most part a “treat,” not a threat. It seeks to “help” man feel good about himself rather than revealing to him that “self” is to be denied and crucified by taking on the new nature of Christ.
The new invasion is the electronic church that rallies around a personality and emotion, leaving the viewer drained of finances, hyped on sensationalism, dulled senses with illegitimate hope.
The church as a whole is devoid of holiness, integrity, character, responsibility, defies any call to surrender and has no respect from the world.
The church must undergo major reform to have any voice or impact. The church is not to be a well-oiled organization seeking identity with the world. It is to be a living organism empowered by the Holy Spirit and nurtured on the infallible, inerrant Word of God. It is to be on mission to make disciples as it glorifies Christ. It is Christ’s church, purchased with His blood to the praise and glory of God almighty. In it, we are participants of grace and by grace. The church is at war with the evil one. There are no peace treaties or summit talks. Let the battle rage; we, the church, are victors. We must walk in obedience as we pursue the call to Christ-likeness. A return to Biblical Christianity will be reformation enough.
51% of Americans have no purpose.
92% believe the Bible to be true. However most said they would not allow their beliefs to change their lives.
12% read it once a week.
48% thought Thomas was a book in the Bible.
58% did not know who preached the Sermon on the Mount.
The average church covers itself as it rocks and reels from the barrage of punches thrown by the world, the flesh and the devil. Though bruised, battered and beaten, the true church will stand. Its foundation is Christ Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone, which is unshakable – always prevailing.