As we approach November, “What will the righteous do?” Will we vote for Godly principals? Will our vote parallel Gods revelation to man? Will the true Church stand for what’s right or bow once again to Baal?
Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Will you vote to “hinder” them from living life? Voting wrong regarding the sanctity of life is an abomination unto God. It is sad that many are more broken over cruelty to animals than they are of babies.
Will you vote for socialism? Are you ENJOYING the progressive left’s provision for food, gas, medical, and clothing cost? Then I would say you should continue to vote for the destruction of our economy.
Professing (note the term) Christian’s have a responsibility and accountability to THE CREATOR AND REDEEMER to live holy for His Glory. (1 Peter 1:16) The issues and problems we face lie at the foot of the pulpit and at the doorstep of the church.
Our children are being led down a path of ungodliness because we as parents and grandparents for the most part are not discipling or teaching our children. And most schools offer no discipline, plus school boards are seeking to usurp the authority of parents. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must be obedient and submissive servants (doulas = slave).
Wake up Christian, WAKE UP! America, and above all, Church wake-up and be the church regardless of the cost. I share this from a burdened and broken heart. Churches across America need to open the doors and preach the infallible and inerrant word more than once a week. Equipping is a mandate from Scripture. We can’t do it with one message a week.
“Lord Jesus, may your Spirit fall fresh on your church, which is we the people.” May we stand for His Name’s sake. 1 Corinthians 15:58; Ephesians 6:10-20
Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Will you vote to “hinder” them from living life? Voting wrong regarding the sanctity of life is an abomination unto God. It is sad that many are more broken over cruelty to animals than they are of babies.
Will you vote for socialism? Are you ENJOYING the progressive left’s provision for food, gas, medical, and clothing cost? Then I would say you should continue to vote for the destruction of our economy.
Professing (note the term) Christian’s have a responsibility and accountability to THE CREATOR AND REDEEMER to live holy for His Glory. (1 Peter 1:16) The issues and problems we face lie at the foot of the pulpit and at the doorstep of the church.
Our children are being led down a path of ungodliness because we as parents and grandparents for the most part are not discipling or teaching our children. And most schools offer no discipline, plus school boards are seeking to usurp the authority of parents. As followers of Jesus Christ, we must be obedient and submissive servants (doulas = slave).
Wake up Christian, WAKE UP! America, and above all, Church wake-up and be the church regardless of the cost. I share this from a burdened and broken heart. Churches across America need to open the doors and preach the infallible and inerrant word more than once a week. Equipping is a mandate from Scripture. We can’t do it with one message a week.
“Lord Jesus, may your Spirit fall fresh on your church, which is we the people.” May we stand for His Name’s sake. 1 Corinthians 15:58; Ephesians 6:10-20