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Truth for You Today If you don’t mind, or if you do mind, I ask this question regarding the culture we live in.
How will it be changed? Will it be through politics? Will it be through education? Will it be by economics? Will it be by medicine? The answer…. none of the above! The question for us as believers is not how many verses can you quote? What music do you like? Do you read your Bible daily? How often do you attend worship? Do you pray at least twice a day? Well, you get the idea. The questions could go on for some time. No matter how long we preach, no matter how cute our sermons may be or how loud the church shouts, it comes down to this…. When you arrive in heaven who will come and stand by you and say thank you for telling me about Jesus and His atoning work on the cross? Who will thank you for discipling them? Who will say thank you for standing with them during a dark time? The world will not change because of what the republicans, democrats, independents, peta party or any other activist group says or does. It will be changed one soul at a time. I ask this question: Have you as a professing believer led anyone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit? Who have you discipled? Have you been discipled? May we humble ourselves, put down our swords, pick up the Word of God and fulfill our marching orders. Matthew 28:16-20 Regardless of what kings, presidents, congress, governors do or say, THE KING OF GLORY WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD. Revelation 22 I am a past sinner, a present sinner, and I will be a future sinner! Praise God for my Redeemer whose grace is sufficient for all who will come to Him. (Go to BLOG Menu (Above) for more words from Brother Ed.) |